As we near the end of 2009, we've begun my most favorite time of the year. I love Thanksgiving and the Christmas holidays. The decorations, cheer, families coming together, gathering with friends and neighbors is all so uplifting.
As we get ready for our feast this year, I want to take time to remember all that we celebrate ... what I am thankful for. First, I'm grateful for my God and to have a home church that supports us and gives us hope. Second, I'm forever grateful to my husband and friend - who has been there for me through so many challenges and supported my decisions and been my nurse, confidant and punching bag. Third, I have a wonderful family that we love dearly ... twin sons that have been my heart, my challenge and now my pride - a loving daughter-in-love, who is sweet and kind and beautiful - a grandson who at age almost 12 is wise beyond his years, smart as anything, loves with all his heart and is such a joy, he makes me want to live. They make me want to live. Fourth - friends. How lucky are we to have one friend? I have so many - close friends, acquaintances, children who give me hugs and share stories - I'm so blessed with many relationships that touch my life daily. Fifth, for all the blessings God has bestowed upon me and my family and my friends ... the ability to get up each morning and celebrate life in a beautiful home.
I hope you will take a few minutes and remember the things you are grateful for. Even the hurts and disappointments make you who you are .. a stronger, better human being. I wish you well, good health, joy, hope, fun, friends, family and love. Happy Thanksgiving.