Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

The photos are the kids after eating all the turkey, garlic mashed potatoes, turnips, sweet potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, rolls, apple pie and pumpkin pie! Whew. It was a great day .. I did lots of the cooking Wednesday so Thursday was pretty easy. Did you know that a 'watched turkey never pops'?? The turkey was in the oven for almost six hours and still didn't pop the 'done button'. I finally took it out to let it sit and settle and heard the 'pop' under the foil. Silly bird!

That's Suki sitting on Heidi's lap .. Suki does believe she belongs to everyone's family. Russ is holding Harley .. their new puppy. Suki and Harley were hysterical playing together after the 'getting to know you' stage.

Hope you all had a great day. I'm not going near a mall or store today so it's time to put up the fall decorations and bring on Christmas! Yippee .....
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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Smells Great!

T'was the day before Thanksgiving and all through the house, the smells were wafting and causing a tizzy.
Here are the Dutch Apple Pie and Pumpkin Pie ready for tomorrow's feast. The 'first' turkey is cooking today (without stuffing) in preparation for Left-Over Take Home bags for John and Russ & family.

Suki is just hanging out ... it's raining outside so the squirrels aren't teasing her today. She loves to race out the door and chase them along the fence. Suki actually tries to get up the trees after them but they have the advantage.

Wishing all a wonderful holiday with family and friends. I'm going to try to 'eat in moderation' ... the food will be there Friday .... and Saturday .... and Sunday .... and.
Oh you get the picture!
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Monday, November 23, 2009

The Week of Thanksgiving

As we near the end of 2009, we've begun my most favorite time of the year.  I love Thanksgiving and the Christmas holidays.   The decorations, cheer, families coming together, gathering with friends and neighbors is all so uplifting. 

As we get ready for our feast this year, I want to take time to remember all that we celebrate ... what I am thankful for.   First, I'm grateful for my God and to have a home church that supports us and gives us hope.  Second, I'm forever grateful to my husband and friend - who has been there for me through so many challenges and supported my decisions and been my nurse, confidant and punching bag.  Third, I have a wonderful family that we love dearly ... twin sons that have been my heart, my challenge and now my pride -  a loving daughter-in-love, who is sweet and kind and beautiful  -  a grandson who at age almost 12 is wise beyond his years, smart as anything, loves with all his heart and is such a joy, he makes me want to live.  They make me want to live.  Fourth - friends.  How lucky are we to have one friend?  I have so many - close friends, acquaintances, children who give me hugs and share stories - I'm so blessed with many relationships that touch my life daily.  Fifth, for all the blessings God has bestowed upon me and my family and my friends ...  the ability to get up each morning and celebrate life in a beautiful home. 

I hope you will take a few minutes and remember the things you are grateful for.  Even the hurts and disappointments make you who you are .. a stronger, better human being.   I wish you well, good health, joy, hope, fun, friends, family and love.  Happy Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

40 cards closer ....

Here are today's offerings. I've spent the majority of the day putting together these cards. They are simple but I think some of my favorites. It's really hard getting into the holiday mood when the weather remains in the mid-80's and sunny all the time. They claim a cold front or two is coming ... and believe me, we are ready for it ...

Chris is going home with Mom tonight. He's been 'living' with us since last Monday, the 9th ... at first to accommodate Heidi's schedule, then to help her out while she was down with the swine flu. Poor thing ... Heidi's better now, and Chris and I have both had our swine flu shots ... so all is good. I'm sure Chris will have a blast reunion with his puppy Harley.

Tomorrow, I'll be working with the Middle School, doing a project for Thanksgiving in their Religion class. I'm looking forward to it. They can make a Gratitude banner or tri-fold card. I'm taking rubber stamps, ink pads and 12" cardstock for them to work on. Should be fun and I'll try to remember my camera for some shots of their creations.

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Monday, November 16, 2009

Visiting hawk ...

This little guy is sitting on our fence in the backyard. He didn't move when I went out to grab a bunch of photos. Suki is having a fit .. she likes to chase the squirrels and thinks she should be able to scare this guy off. I'm afraid she'd be carried off, however, so she's having whining fits at the door. :)
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Four more ....

These didn't take in the first post ... enjoy.

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More samples of this year's cards.

I've spend time this weekend creating these cards. Some of the images are from new stamps I've 'acquired' and others are stamps I've had for years that I love. So far there are 190 cards completed and another 60 to go. I think we're going to have to start looking at our list of 'friends' and keep better track of who responds this year.

Hopefully you are all getting your cards done. I like to have everything complete by Thanksgiving so my cards can be mailed out the day after Thanksgiving or the first of December. My cards are different this year ... I'm using less traditional cardstock than I have in the past .. and have found it fun. My cards are still on the simplistic style ... but when you have to make so many, that's the only way to get through it!

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Friday, November 13, 2009

Almost halfway ...

These are three of the cards I produced last night. I only need
250 cards and I made just over 30 last night. Plus Chris and I
made birthday cards for his Mom. (His came out way better than
mine!) lol

On the upside, I've completed our Christmas shopping. The packages
are wrapped (to keep snooping eyes out) but will get their bows and embellishments when the trees
go up. Stocking stuffers are picked up along the way in December.

Now we're ready for a stress-free holiday season (once I finish the cards) and can enjoy all the events and parties coming up. Can you believe Thanksgiving is less than two weeks away?

Chris has been collecting new toys for Toys for Tots since he was a toddler. His birthday is in December and he always included Toys for Tots requests on his party invitations.   Now that he is going to be 12 years old, he is spending more of his own money to make it happen. We're including our HCLM L-Team this year .... there are so many families in need, that we hope to make a difference in the lives of some young children.

Have a great weekend. I'm heading back up to the studio and work on some more cards.
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Monday, November 2, 2009

Peace on Earth

I love this card. I love 'easy' cards ... especially when
there are so many to produce.

Christmas is my favorite time of year .. a time to
connect with old friends and family. Decorations,
handmade cards, shared meals ... all seem even more
special at this time of year.

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